Richard Sothoron (of Benjamin)

Bequeathed property in father's will of 1811 (see his Notes).

Michael Woodburn, guardian to Hezekiah Andrew Woodburn, receipt to William Woodburn, adm. of Jonathan Woodburn.$136.77 - one third being in full Hezekiah's Woodburn's estate and $116.78 due from his grandfather, Jonathan Woodburn's estate.

- Richard Sothoron's receipt to Wm. Woodburn, adm. of Jonathan Woodburn $116.78.

- Daniel Woodburn, Michael, and Leonard Woodburn's receipt to Wm. Woodburn adm. of Jonathan Woodburn for $116.78 each.

- Philemon Burrough's receipt to Wm. Woodburn adm. of Jonathan Woodburn $116.78. (Reno* {SMC Receipts, from Tom Jennings}, 1826.04.01)

** Military service (Compiled Service Record*) - Charles Co., MD

Richard Sothoron appears on an undated Muster Roll. He entered duty on 17 July as a Sergt. In Capt. Alexr Dent’s company, Capt. Alexander Dent’s detachment, 1 (Hawkins’) Reg’t Maryland Militia, ordered on service in July 1813, stationed at Maj. Henry S. Yates’. He was discharged 23 July (7 days), retained 1 days’ rations valued at 20 cents. Pay 2.52, pay & rations 2.72.

Richd Southern appears on a Muster Roll dated 13 Sept 1814. He entered duty on 6 July as 1 Sergt. In Capt. Dent’s company, Capt. Ignatius F. Gardiner’s detachment, 1 (Hawkins’) Reg’t Maryland Militia, ordered on service in July 1814 and stationed at different places in St. Mary’s Co.. He was discharged July 14 (9 days), retained one ration valued at 20 cents. Pay 3.24, total 3.44.

Richard Sothoron appears on a Muster Roll dated 28 Sept 1814. He entered duty on 21 July as a Sergt. In Capt. Alexander Dent’s detachment, 1 (Hawkins) Reg’t Maryland Militia, ordered on service in July, 1814. He was furloughed 6 days, retained rations for one day (valued at 20 cents), and was transferred to Capt. Wm. Thompson on 3 August 1814. Pay 5.04, pay and rations 5.24.

Richard Sothoron appears on a Muster Roll dated 18 February 1815. He entered duty on 4 Aug 1814 as 3 Sergt. from Capt. A. Dent’s company, into Capt. William Thompson’s Detachment, 1 (Hawkins’) Reg’t Maryland Militia, ordered on service in July 1814. He was discharged 9 August (6 days). Rations retained 4, valued at 80 cents. Pay was 2 dollars 16 cents, total 2 dollars 96 cents.

** Land records - Charles Co., Maryland

Recorded deed at request of buyer. Richard Sothoron of Charles Co. and Sarah his wife sell to Meveral Moran of Charles Co. for $250, part of tracts called Loving Brothers, Two Friends, Outlet, beginning at a beech marked with "R.S." & "M.M.", running N 42° E 42 perches, N 32° E 31 perches, N 20° E 51 perches, N 48° E 61 perches, N 31° E 21 perches, N 10° E 35 perches to main run leading from Edward Burch's mill, then with flow of said run & with said Two Friends to beginning of tract called Poverty & 2nd boundary of Two Friends, then with Two Friends & main bed of run from William Good's old mill S 53° E 162 perches to main run, N 59° E 106 perches, N 20° W 92 perches, N 68° W 98 perches, to beginning, containing about 6 acres  Witness: Joseph A. Turner, William Morton. (IB#12:231, 1817.11.27, Recorded 1818.01.16)

Recorded deed at request of buyer. Richard Sothoron of Charles Co. & Sarah his wife sell to Hooper Broom of Charles Co. for $1,600:

- The Loving Brothers & Sothorons discovery, 117 acres in all.

- The Outlet, 82 acres.

- Part of The Two Friends, 10 acres beginning at the swamp emptying into Gilbert Swamp and running with the main road to Buttons bridge, then north to the main road to the swamp from Gladden Hunt's old mill. Abuts Loving Brothers.

- Witness: William Morton, James Wheatley. (IB#14:189, 1821.04.09, Recorded 1821.07.21)

Richard Sothoron of Charles Co. sells Thomas Carrico of Charles Co. for $300, "...a part of a tract or parcel of land lying and being in Charles County called the Two Friends, or the Lovely Brothers "outlet" or whatsoever name or names the same may be called, beginning at Buttons Bridge, and running with the main road leading to Benedict to the brow of the hill near Richard Sothorons hence, to a stone planted in the ground and then with a straight line until it intersects the land formerly belonging to Wm Good deceased, then running east with said land until it comes to the land formerly owned by Hooper Broome, then with the said land round to the first beginning..." . Witness: Benjamin Adams, James N. Johnson. (IB#22:10, 1835.02.21, Recorded 1835.08.18)

Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. sells to Thomas Carrico of Charles Co. for $700, part of Loving Brothers where Richard Sothoron of Charles Co. dec'd lived, 100 acres. Wife of Sothoron not mentioned. Witness: Jonathan Hughes, Benjamin Adams. (IB#22:419, 1837.05.12, Recorded 1837.05.23)

** Federal Census

1820 Census (1820.08.07) District 4, Charles Co., MD - pg 217, Richard Sothoron

Free white males under 10...2
26 - 44...1
females under 10...1
18 - 25...1

** Church activities- Trinity Parish, Charles Co., Maryland

On Edward Turner's List, Henry Sothoron & William Sothoron each has an outstanding balance of 2.00. On Aguila Turner's List, Richard Sothoron has an outstanding balance of 1.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1818.05.13)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. Mary Sothoron is in arrears by 5.00. On William Good's List, Richard Sothoron owes 1.00. On John J. Estep's List, William Sothoron still owes 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1824)

Sarah Eleanor Ducas Sothoron born 30 January 1830 to Richard & Sara Sothoron, baptized 8 July 1832 at the Chapel. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered)

Sarah Eleanor Dorcas Sotheron, daughter of Richard Sotheron and Sara Sotheron, was christened at Newport on 8 July 1832. (* {Church Records - Batch # C533651, Source # 0013203})

** Death

Richard Sothoron died on 10 June 1835 in Charles Co., MD. He was born 10-18-1792 in Charles Co., MD to Mary & Benjamin Sothoron [NOTE: see 1812]. He married Sarah ? (born 9-12-1789 in Charles Co., MD, died Nov 1845 in Charles Co., MD) in 1811. (Copy of DAR Application of Julia Sothoron Buddington*)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.